Official Recipes for the Carbohydrate Addict (2024)

Official Recipes for the Carbohydrate Addict (1)
Official Recipes for the Carbohydrate Addict (2)
Official Recipes for the Carbohydrate Addict (3)

Oh! If we knew you werecoming, we'd have baked a cake
(or something low-carbo)!


Come join us in the fun of enjoying good food without guilt andwithout fear.

Although you will find a wide variety of recipes in each of ourbooks, we have included a few new and exciting recipes right here.Please enjoy them with our best wishes.

With warmest regards,
Drs. Richard and Rachael Heller

Official Recipes for the Carbohydrate Addict (4)
Guiltless Recipes for the Carbohydrate Addict

(and friends and family as well)

Official Recipes for the Carbohydrate Addict (5)

Lisa's Delicious EggplantCasserole

This wonderful casserole has been us (oh, what a job!) andthoroughly enjoyed. Please be sure to see *note below to determinewhether you should consider it a low-carb or Reward Mealtreat.
Drs. Richard and Rachael Heller


2 large eggplants, peeled and sliced thinly (Food processorworks great!)
12 slices provolone cheese
8 oz Mozzarella shredded cheese
1 pound lean ground beef
2 tsp of chopped onion
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 cup chopped celery
Olive oil
Italian Seasoning

9 x 13 pan, greased with olive oil.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Take one pound of lean ground beef, add to a frying pan. Addmushrooms,
garlic, onion, celery and about 1 tsp of Italian seasonings. Fry thisup
until the meat is no longer pink. If the meat sticks to the pan, adda
little bit of olive oil.

Peeled eggplant and slice it up very thinly. The reason I do itthinly is it tastes almost like pasta when it's cooked.

Grease bottom and sides of a 9 x 13 pan with olive oil onbottom and sides. Layer half of the eggplant on bottom of pan.Sprinkle eggplant with some of the Italian Seasoning. Layer half ofthe meat mixture over the eggplant. Layer 6 slices of provolonecheese over the meat.

Repeat layering with remaining eggplant, meat, and provoloneand some additional Italian Seasoning.

Spread the shredded mozzarella cheese all over the top of thecasserole.

Cover with foil and cook for approximately 30 minutes in 350degrees, 325
degrees, if it's a glass bottom.

All of the flavors blend nicely and I swear the eggplant tasteslike pasta to


Serves 6 - 8.

For your enjoyment from the kitchen of Lisa Greenhalgh,Southern California

*While the CAD permitted eggplant to be included in low-carbo meals,later research revealed that for many CA's it can lead to cravingsand interfere with weight loss. For this reason, later books tookthis vegetable off the low-carbo list. If you have been following CADand enjoying eggplant at your low-carbo meals without these problemsall along, then it is probably okay to continue. All others shouldsave this recipe for their Reward Meal®.

Sheila's Spectacular CreamyVegetable Soup

We love this warm, welcoming, and satisfying treat. You'llappreciate it even more when you need a lift-me-up during those colddays of winter. Read the * note below for meal choice guidance.
Drs. Richard and Rachael Heller


8 oz mushroom, sliced
1 small tomato, sliced
2 starburst or yellow flat starshaped summer squash, diced
1 small zucchini, diced
1 stalk of celery, chopped
1 cup cream
spicy non-salt seasoning, to taste
pepper, to tastes
garlic powder, to taste
onion salt, to taste
ground red pepper, to taste
crumbled crisp bacon, optional
Parmesan cheese (to taste)

Steam all vegetables in microwave steamer for about 12 minutes(with a little water in the bottom). Any other method of cookinguntil soft is acceptable. Reserve the liquid.

Puree in a blender using some of the liquid to thin.

Pour in a saucepan and add 1 cup of cream and more liquid untildesired consistency. Add spicy non-salt seasoning (no msg), pepper,garlic powder, onion salt, and ground red pepper to taste.

To serve, crumble crisp bacon and sprinkle with Parmesancheese.

Wonderful with crispy cheese square recipe that follows.

From the Kitchen of Sheila, The Baroness of Breakfast

*While the CAD book permitted summer squash and zucchini to beincluded in low-carbo meals, later research revealed that for manyCA's these foods can lead to cravings and interfere with weight loss.For this reason, later books took these vegetables off the low-carbolist. If you have been following CAD and enjoying zucchini and summersquash at your low-carbo meals without these problems all along, thenit is probably okay to continue. All others should save this recipefor their Reward Meal(R). In addition, on the day you have thiscream-containing recipe at a low carbo meal, be certain to refrainfrom having cream or milk in your coffee.

Sheila's Crispy Cheese SquareAdaptation

In her inimitable honesty, Sheila asked us to tell you thatthis was not her own invention. She has adapted it to fit hermicrowave; you will have to adapt it to yours but it is clearly worththe effort. Read the * note below for meal choice guidance.
Drs. Richard and Rachael Heller

Basically, Crispy Cheese Squares are microwaved processedcheese slices. If microwaved until brown, they will crisp whencool.

The original recipe calls for either plastic wrap, parchmentpaper (couldn't find or try this) or wax paper. Sheila found thesemelted and/or stuck to the finished product, not at allpalatable.

Here's how Sheila makes her Crispy Cheese Squares:
"I use the lid from my Tupperware microwave cookware, it is out ofthe same material, but just a shallow flat pan. I spray it withcooking spray and take a piece of processed cheese and divide itdiagonally into 4 pieces. Place the base of the triangle facing inand the point facing out. Microwave on high for about 1 minute. Ihave, I think a 900 watt, and I do it

for 57 seconds. You should watch to determine the time for yourmicrowave. You want it puffy, losing its gloss and lightly evenlybrown, but not too brown. Let it cool for 15-20 seconds and then witha sharp spatula scrape off. If you scrape too soon it will scrunchup, if you scrape too late you have salad toppings because itcrumbles. Allow to cool completely and if done correctly they will becrisp like crackers. If not cooked long enough they will be chewy. Idon't know how long they last because they never last that long. Ofcourse you must limit yourself to 1-2 slices but that is 4-8 crackersand that is plenty. Goes great with soup or salad. My husband andchildren love them.

I hope you enjoy. It took me several tries to get it right,don't give up too soon."

From the Kitchen of Sheila, The Baroness of Breakfast

*Crispy Cheese Squares are fine additions to any meal, just becertain that your cheese contains only low-carbohydrateingredients.

Lorri's Luscious ZucchiniLatkes

We enjoyed these warm and served with mustard! You bettermake enough for everyone in the family. Be sure to read the * notebelow before choosing which meal(s) to include them in.
Drs. Richard and Rachael Heller


5 large zucchini
1/2 grated onion
1/4 cup soy flour-for texture
2 eggs
1 tsp garlic salt and/or favorite seasonings (no msg)
4 tablespoons olive oil
cayenne pepper or plain hot sauce, to taste

Grate zucchini. Drain off any excess liquid. Add rest ofingredients and
mix well. Heat olive oil in skillet. Pour batter in pan, inspoonfuls, using an ice cream scoop. Remember ice cream sundaes withreal hot fudge. Sigh. (You can still have them once in a while if youbalance your Reward Meal®. Brown latkes on one side. Turn themover and brown. Repeat until mixture is used. Makes 8-10.

Makes 8-10.

For your enjoyment from the kitchen of Lorri Rachel Shapiro,Gainesville, Florida

*Originally, CAD placed zucchini on the low-carbo food list. Laterresearch revealed that for many CA's it can lead to cravings andinterfere with weight loss. For this reason, later books tookzucchini off the low-carbo list. Although you may have been followingCAD and enjoying zucchini at your low-carbo meal without problems, inthis recipe it is combined with soy flour and onion, and we think itwould be best to save this recipe for your Reward Meal®.

SMOTHERED CHICKEN BREAST (low-carbo) 3 -4 servings

A saucy dish; rich and satisfying. You'll love it.
Drs. Richard and Rachael Heller


3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
2 skinless chicken breasts, split
2 garlic cloves, minced
4 large slices of your favorite cheese*
1 tablespoon white vinegar
coarsely ground black pepper to taste
parsley sprigs

In a deep skillet combine the olive oil and butter and set overmedium heat. When the skillet is hot, add the chicken breast halvesand cook for 8 to 10 minutes per side depending on thickness ofchicken breasts.
Put the cooked chicken breasts on a platter and keep warm. Raiseskillet heat to medium-high. Add the garlic and vinegar to the oil inthe skillet and stir for 20 seconds, scraping up any brown bits; thensimmer for 1 minute.
Return heat to medium and return the chicken breasts to the skillet.Cook 1 minute on each side. Top chicken breasts with one slice ofcheese each. Cover and remove from heat.
Slice the chicken breasts crosswise (against the grain) into thinpieces or serve whole. Covers with sauce from skillet and season withpepper. Serve garnished with parsley sprigs.

* Choose low-fat varieties or alternatives and/or low-saltvarieties, as appropriate.

(low-carbo) 3 - 4 servings

A hearty treat for vegetarian and meat-eater alike. Fillsyour tummy and satisfies your soul.
Drs. Richard and Rachael Heller


1 tofu block, extra firm
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon dried sweet basil
1/2 cup chopped celery
2 tablespoons teriyaki sauce
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cups cauliflower florets

Two hours prior to preparation, unpack tofu block and place ona flat plate. Place a second plate on top of the block and then placeseveral heavy books on top of everything. This will squeeze much ofthe water out of the tofu block.
Slice the block of tofu so you get strips about 1/2 inch thick. placethe tofu, place the drained tofu into a medium bowl.
In another small bowl combine the black pepper, garlic, basil,celery, and teriyaki sauce. Mix well. Immediately pour the mixtureover the tofu, cover and refrigerate overnight.
When ready to cook, drain tofu and retain marinade. Pour oil inlarge, deep skillet, set the heat at medium, and add cauliflower andmarinade. Stir constantly cauliflower as oil heat. When sauce beginsto sizzle (be careful), carefully add cubes of tofu and stir gentlyuntil all is heated (about 2 minutes). Serve immediately.

COOL AND SPICY BREAKFAST QUICHE(low-carbo) 3 - 4 servings

A quick and easy breakfast for those on the run. We love itfor lunch as well.
Drs. Richard and Rachael Heller


2 tablespoon butter
2 cups of chopped celery
1/4 cup of cream*
4 ounces American cheese, sliced then broken in quarters **
dried sweet basil, to taste
ground cayenne pepper, to taste
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 package frozen whole-leaf spinach, thawed and blotted dry withpaper towel

Preheat the oven to 325°F.
Using 1 tablespoon butter, grease the bottom and sides of a 9-inchpie pan (ceramic or glass is best).
Place a tablespoon of butter into a medium saucepan, add choppedcelery and sauté over medium heat for 4-5 minutes. Removecelery from pan and set aside.
Using the heated saucepan, heat the cream until it just starts tobubble up. Remove from heat and quickly stir in grated cheese.
When the cheese and cream are blended, add the sauteed celery, basil,and cayenne pepper.
Cool the mixture (4-5 minutes), add two eggs and mix. Add spinach andchopped celery to cooled mixture and mix well.
Pour mixture into the pie pan, place pan in the oven, and bake untilset (45 - 50 minutes).
Refrigerate and serve cold the following morning.

*On the day you choose this recipe, make certain you don't have creamor milk in your coffee that day.
** Choose low-fat varieties or alternatives and/or low-saltvarieties, as appropriate.

Official Recipes for the Carbohydrate Addict (6)

The recipes on this page, make uponly a small sampling
of the many choices available
on the Carbohydrate Addicts' Programs.
These recipes are not intended in place of the fullprogram.
For a full description of thebooks that detail the programs and
for many more wonderful and easy recipes,
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Official Recipes for the Carbohydrate Addict (7)
Official Recipes for the Carbohydrate Addict (8)

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Official Recipes for the Carbohydrate Addict (2024)


What is the carbohydrate addicts diet meal plan? ›

On this plan you have two meals a day with no carbs called complimentary meals, or CMs. Then the third meal is balanced 1/3 protein, 1/3 veggies, and 1/3 carbs with a salad to start. That meal is called your reward meal, or RM. As long as you balance out the carbs, you can have the particular carbs you want.

What are carb meals? ›

These dishes are full of the good carbs that nutrition experts say we should all be eating more of.
  • 1Sweet potato and corn salad. ...
  • 2Healthy Mexican fried rice. ...
  • 3Oaty apple muffins. ...
  • 4Lemon and oregano bulgur pilaf. ...
  • 5White bean puree. ...
  • 6Lentil and vegie dhal. ...
  • 7Healthy nuts and bolts slice. ...
  • 8Stuffed baked sweet potatoes.

What is a dirty carb diet? ›

In essence, dirty keto is a variation of the keto diet (a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet) that allows you to consume whatever you want as long as it meets your macro goals. While it still reduces carb intake, it does not pay attention to the nutritional value of the fats and protein consumed.

What is the 3 day carb cycling plan? ›

You may include a "no-carb" day, when you have fewer than 30 grams of carbs for the entire day. Another option is to follow a plan where you spend 3 days eating a low amount of carbs: about 100-125 grams each day. Then, you spend 2 days eating a high amount of carbs (175-275 grams) on days you are more active.

What is the number 1 worst carb? ›

1. Sugary Foods. Most people already think of many of the foods in this category as unhealthy treats. Candy, soft drinks, and sweet desserts such as cake, chocolate, and ice cream are all expected entries on a list of carbs to avoid to lose weight.

What are 10 carbohydrate foods? ›

Carbohydrates are found in a wide array of both healthy and unhealthy foods—bread, beans, milk, popcorn, potatoes, cookies, spaghetti, soft drinks, corn, and cherry pie.

What is an easy high-carb meal? ›

- Sweet potato and corn chowder

This super easy recipe is high in carbs and nutrients. Sweet potatoes provide powerful antioxidants in the form of vitamins A and C. This chowder is also high in fiber which increases fullness and supports digestive health. Each serving provides 40 grams of carbs and 6 grams of protein.

What is the carb that curbs cravings? ›

Go for the right kind of carbs.

Complex carbs, the ones you find in whole grains and veggies, are your body's main source of energy. They take a while to digest, so your blood sugar levels rise slowly and you feel satisfied longer. Non-starchy veggies, such as carrots, have fewer carbs than starchy ones like potatoes.

Who needs a carbohydrate controlled diet? ›

Your body needs carbohydrates for energy, but if you have type 2 diabetes, too many could cause problems. A meal plan called the consistent carbohydrate diet (CCHO) can help.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.